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About Edukamer

Edukamer is an online platform where students and anyone arger to learn can get useful information on educational topics and subjects like Mathematics, English, Chemistry, Biology and just to name a few.

From providing past GCE Questions for Cameroonians Students of the classes of form five and upper sixth to online free online courses. UCE, UACE, ECZ, Baccalauréat and probatoire past questions and corrections as well.

We will equally endeavour to provide information on public exams.

Here, our users are free to ask questions as well as contribute by answering the questions of other fellow members. And of course, our editorial board will also be there to answer any questions as fast as possible.

We also share job opportunities for job seekers and offer the possibility for companies to post new job opportunities.

The mission of the Cameroon GCE Board

The GCE Board in Cameroon has experience some rapid improvements and has been in charge of overseeing, setting, and correcting the Secodary school main examination of the classes of form 5 and Uppersixth (GCE Ordinary Lev and Advanced Level)

When the GCE Board first started, only the GCE O/Level and Advanced or A/Level existed. Currently, it is the organization throughout the National Territory in charge of the Technical and Vocational Education Examination as well as the Intermediate Level Technical and Vocational Education Examination Advanced.

Structure of the Technical and Vocational Education Examinations in Cameroon

The Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) Examinations in Cameroon are divided into the TVE Intermediate Level or simply TVE Intermediate Level or still, TVE IL, and the TVE Advanced level.

This is written by technical students and it is also one of the main exams written in Cameroon under the supervision of the Cameroon GCE Board.


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